Prostatitis is not the most pleasant disease, which often becomes chronic. Any provocation from the side of behavior, well-being, and the symptoms come back again: pain in the genital area, painful urination, unstable erection.

The first prevention of prostatitis is a simple healthy lifestyle without any special prohibitions. Secondary prevention of the onset of the disease is a number of measures, which include diet, complete rejection of alcohol and, of course, appropriate drugs.
What are the risk factors for the onset of the disease?
Prostatitis can develop with a combination of two factors: the appearance of infection and stagnant processes in the body.
The main sources of pathogens are:
- intestines and diseases such as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, etc . ;
- a sexual partner with infectious diseases of the genitourinary system: chlamydia, mycoplasma;
- throat infections, carious untreated teeth, sore tonsils;
- low physical activity.
All this individually and in the aggregate can lead to the development of prostatitis.
Physical activity and prevention of prostatitis
Low physical activity is the main reason for the development of prostatitis in adults and young men. Prostatitis against the background of venous stasis in the pelvic organs is called congestive.
If a man leads an active healthy lifestyle, his muscles in the pelvic region are constantly in good shape. They support the genitals well enough in the correct position and the whole system functions well.
No time for a gym and special classes? It's not a problem! Simple enough, but regular exercise and gymnastics every day. Exercises should be done for at least 15-30 minutes until sweat begins to stand out, that is, until there is a light physical activity.
Kegel exercises are suitable for warm-up as a prevention of prostatitis. However, it is worth knowing that they cannot be done if there are kidney stones.Prevention of prostatitis at home In addition, for the prevention of prostatitis, light brisk walking uphill is also suitable, swimming and jogging are perfect.
With the right seat, a bicycle will do. It enhances blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Cycling for 5-7 kilometers 2-3 times a week can be an excellent prevention of prostatitis.
Regular intercourse plays an important role in the prevention of prostatitis. Sexual relations should not be "for show", but against the background of desire and mutual satisfaction. Poor orgasms are not the way to keep the prostate in good shape. Arousal should be real, and hormones should be in order, only then prevention will work one hundred percent.
We should also say about the hygiene of sexual relations. This is also very important. Many partners who try to diversify their sexual intercourse simply forget about basic hygiene. Unprotected intercourse often becomes the cause of infection of the prostate, and as a result, the development of prostatitis.
Proper nutrition, regular and high-quality sexual intercourse, the absence of bad habits - all this together will give good male health and the absence of prostate diseases.
Products for the prevention of prostatitis
Proper nutrition and high-quality healthy foods will help protect the body from harmful effects. What foods will be especially helpful in protecting against the prostate? Here's just a small list:
- pumpkin seeds. On an empty stomach, you should eat 30-40 seeds for at least 7 days in a row. It will be useful to use them together with honey or nuts;
- fatty, omega-3-rich fish, also seafood;
- healthy herbs: parsley, lettuce, celery, basil;
- walnuts.
Of course, nutrition plays a major role in the prevention of prostatitis and many other male health conditions.
Spicy dishes, beer in the evenings, nuts and crackers salted with spices only provoke new symptoms of the development of the disease. Symptoms of illness can appear immediately after eating the wrong food. Treatment will then have to start from the very beginning.
Well, of course, do not forget about regular medical examinations. After 40 years, all men need to visit a urologist at least once every six months. As well as women should visit a gynecologist. By this age, the risks of developing prostatitis increase.